We know it is a worrying time. Thank you for your help and understanding.

Covid 19

ENT Care Hub take all precautions necessary to keep you and your family safe. We therefore ask you to respect and comply with our requests to keep you and our staff safe.

Please practice social distancing and hand hygiene.

Please wear a face mask to cover your nose and mouth at all times as per the NSW Health guidelines.

NSW Health Hot Spots

Please check the hotspots released daily with NSW Health. If you have been to these places you may need to get tested and isolate.

Rescheduling your Appointment

If you have symptoms of Covid 19 or are a close contact of someone who has symptoms, please DO NOT enter the office.

Please call us on (02) 8079 5825 or email to reschedule to a later date.

If you can let us know as soon as possible we can then use your appointment for other patients who are also following guidelines.

Symptoms of Covid 19

Symptoms of Covid 19 include fever, cough, sore/scratchy throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, loss of taste or sense of smell.

If you have these symptoms please get tested and self isolate until the results are returned.